The Sheep Station

The sheep station we are staying on is huge. I think they said it was 94,000 acres. It took us about 30 minutes to get down the drive when we arrived. Bill and Ann manage the property on their own. They are both in their late 60’s. It is an incredibly difficult life. We’ve been staying in the sheep shearers quarters. We are all trying to help them out while we’re here. At the moment Robbie, Jack & Bron are off rounding up some stray sheep for shearing. I had a lovely day yesterday with Ann in the jeep, moving sheep from one paddock to another. I loved listening to her stories of life in the outback. The kids are having a whale of a time. Bron has fallen in love with the new sheep dog Bella. Bella should be trained by now but her liveliness makes her completely untrainable. She adores Bronte and follows her everywhere. It was funny watching her today. Bron was sitting on the chair and the dog starts with two paws and her head on Bron’s lap. Then she hitches up another leg, and then the other, squeezing herself into the chair next to Bronte. It was so funny. We think they suit each other because Bronte always sneaks in between Robbie and I in bed each morning.

2 thoughts on “The Sheep Station

  1. Claire, are you the one taking all the photographs? We never see any of you with sheep, dogs, kangaroos,(Eagles) etc. Has the heat killed off P.G? We haven’t seen him for ages either.

    Love Jack & Dot.

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