Jack at Ayres Rock

sunrise moon over uluruUlaru or Ayres rock is not as red as i thought but up close its definately more interesting than i thought. It was 6 miles around the rock and it was really hot but not as hot as Darwin (34 degrees).We went for sun rise and sun set they were both good.After that we went to the Olgas which is lot’s of big red rocks.Every time we have had a tv i’ve been watching the olympics it,s great I don’t know who to support, Australia or England.see you very soon ………….jack

Bron at Ayres Rock

ularuToday we went to Ularu and it was cool because we walked around the bace of Ayers rock.We didn’t get to climb it because it was closed because of the winds at the top were to strong.It wasn’t as red as i thought it would be but it looks good in the pictures when the sun was rising.

Down South to the Big Chill

Devils MarblesWow, we got in the van up North in Kakadu and when we arrived in Alice Springs 2 days later, the weather had gone from unbearable heat to freezing cold! We wrapped up warm for the Rodeo in Alice Springs, lots of testosterone and bulls. We then travelled to Ayres Rock via the Devils Marbles. This is an area where rock has broken away into strange egg like mounds. The aborigines think that these are the rainbow serpent’s eggs. The attached picture shows one that had broken in half.

Bronte’s first Rodeo

hi everyone yesterday we went to a rodeo were they ride the bulls and horses, but i liked the horses more because they stay on for longer and there was one horse which jumpt really high but he didn’t manage to stay on. see you soon by

Jack & Bronte

bronte in thoughtThe kids have been amazing on this trip. All credit to them, they never complain about the long drives. They do whatever we ask them to without complaint. They work hard every evening in the heat putting up their swags, and then packing them away in the morning. All the way round people have said what great kids they are…and they really are. They have kept spirits up when things are hard. Bronte is covered in Mosquito bites but never complains. Jack has been bush tucker boy on this part of the journey and is always coming up with good ideas. His penknife has come in handy many a time! They have both managed to keep Robbie occupied with his constant demands to go swimming and play games in the water. He’s always first in and last out and always stealing their goggles!

Kakadu…the most beautiful place so far

kakadu sunset
Kakadu is a huge National park just East of Darwin. It is a beautiful place with a real sense of the aboriginal spirit. We spent the first evening watching the sunset over the wetlands. It was really magical and even the kids said it was the best thing they had seen so far. I attach pictures but it just doesn’t do it justice. We also saw some great aboriginal rock art accompanied with a talk by the local ranger. On the following day we did a boat trip on the Yellow River. Again it was amazing. Barry I wish you were with us on this trip. The birdlife was incredible. We were taking pictures for two hours. You would have loved it. The highlights were the Jesus birds appearing to walk on water and the huge brolgas, showing off by doing this mad dance in front of their mate. Jack loved the crocodiles. One caught a turtle while we were watching. The saltwater crocs are huge…and dangerous. Most of the waterways in Kadaku are out of bounds for tourists. There are a few swimming holes though that are perfect for cooling off. One of the attached pictures shows on of these in Gunlom (one of our campsites in Kakadu). You may recognise this as it was featured in Crocodile Dundee. Where there is such beauty though, there is also misery…the mossies were awful and the heat of the sun is so intense, almost unbearable. The attached pics are all of places in Kakadu. Dot, I’ve even attached one of me to prove I am really here!!

Jack In Kakadu

Huge Spider!Hi its been great in Kakadu but there are a lot of Spider and Insects this was the bigest Spider so far in the pic and there has been a lot of Eagles and Birds Henry would like it. We went on a boat tour and was very good because off the Crocs and Animals.There was a very nice sun set for the last few days the best one was on top of a mountain in Kakadu. But before all this we went to Darwin it is all a lot like Sydney. We went to a good market called the Mindle beach market lots of good things and some good shows. Its been very hot here in Kakadu and I hate it but i just go swimming to cool off, but i’m enjoying it see you soon……….Jack

Bronte’s post

Hi everybody what are you doing. The other day we went to Darwin and went to the markets and it was cool, then the next day we went shopping and brought lots of presents and stuff.While we were out robbie got new tyres. Next we went to Kakadu and the scenery was good and it was very very hot.While we were in kakado we went on a boat trip on the aligator river and we saw lots of crocs not the shoes the proper crocodiles,and we saw a jesus bird which walks on the lilly pads and it was really funny.Then we saw a baby jabaroo which are really big birds. Gran you said you felt small so I show you this picure of me with termite mound to make you feel better. See you soon bye xx

Demanding More Fish Eating Birds

Need More of TheseBeing Australian born you are accustommed to the local wild-life and therefore I was not really worried about anything we might come across on the trip (except for spiders which the roaring technique works well for both stunning and removing them from your skin). I have managed to find something new, horrible, and darn-right scary.

Before I tell you what it is I must mention that in our travels we stopped at a creek that I now call “Phobia Creek”. It seems that the Arnott bunch are a hardened crew and not scared of much (except for Lady Claire’s daily scream at something that might resemble a spider if you added another 2 legs, 6 eyes, and 2 fangs) but this changed when we arrived at “Phobia Creek”. The night became dark and we were all alone with no one else for miles. The camp fire was high and then suddenly Jack fell to the ground screaming. Bronte and Lady Claire soon followed and I was not sure of the symptoms… Was it my cooking? That’s right, I did not cook. Clare and Bronte retreated to the swags and 4WD with wild hysterical screams. These screams were admidst these little jumping sounds. Little jumping sounds from something very big!!! That’s right. Grasshoppers! The kind my grandmother captures from behind and quickly rips their heads off. And now the Arnott bunch know why.

So back to my story. I have been attacked… by mosquitos which is a common problem in the tropics and sub-tropics. I have scratched merrily away as well (so has Bronte). Now that has left me with these sores that are slowly healing, but not anymore. I met this new menace just a fews days ago. We all went for a swim at some hot springs and I felt a bite under the water. Jack soon dived to inspect what was going on. When he emerged from the water he was shivering and white (he was a little cold and off-colour that day). Jack announced that it was a fish. Whack!!! I had another bite but deeper this time. I think I had accidently walked into a fish run cleaning station that you might find on the Barrier Reef. I quickly escaped the water. Now each time I swim that same thing happens. Whatever unhealed wounds are found these fish attack until the wound is both clean again (although bleeding and needing to start the whole healing process again). So when going into swimming holes of the Northern Territory make sure you cover your wounds from the hungry fish.

The Great Days

Fig Tree Meditation PyramidYes Auntie Jane I do remember those fond days in France and definitely the highlight was that amazing production we put on. All the critics agreed that we stole the show! Sadly my acting skills are not much asked for here in Australia. I have, however, been able to do a lot of reflection and I found that the best spot for meditation is under this immense fig tree (pictured looking up at it) that formed a pyramid above me. It is something to do with the channelling of the heavenly powers down into my cotten stitched body. I am hoping I will see my higher purpose here with Lady Claire the lovely.

Tomorrow I think I am driving them all from Darwin to Kakadu. PG!!!!