Waiting in the Backyard

PG Waits All NightI was waiting all night in Kathie and Teilo’s backyard under the hills-hoist clothes line for Claire to have some “alone” time with me. The party was big inside and before you knew it a few Crownies had passed by and I next woke up with in the morning with dew on my wool and the sun in my now tear filled eyes as I realised Claire would not be joining me. Dried Eucalyptus leaves do taste good to me. Next time I will have to offer her more than a beer and my amazing persona as incentive to be with me. PG


   hi we went to dinner last night night and we saw a possum above us in the tree,it was really cute but it started pooing on the table next to us.  It was really funny because it tried to eat some leaves that were too far away so it nearly fell offand it was hanging by it’s tail.  MISS YOU ALL!


Car Comes with Free Dog

Camping 4WDWe are all getting ready for the long flight as well as the tough roads of Australia. We have managed to get this 4WD with lots of things built-in that include, amongst other, a fridge, freezer, shower, and bed space enough for four gnomes.

Jack and Bronte are also planning tent arrangements ready for camping as well. At least the tent will be useful for looking after the free dog that came with the vehicle.